This American Life

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Simple Past

I went to the cinema yesterday.
S+verb in simple past+complement.

I didn´t go to the cinema yesterday.
S+didn´t (simple past Aux. in negative form) + verb in simple form + complement.

Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
Did (simple past Aux) + S + verb in simple form + complemement+?

To practice these three structures, go to the following page:

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011


Unit 1
Simple Past
Adverbs of Sequence
Intensifiers: quite, very, really
Regular and Irregular verbs in Simple Past
Unit 2
Past Continuous
Vocabulary relating to vacations, transportation, weather
Connectors and/but
Wh questions
Unit 3
"going to"
Simple Future
0 and 1st Conditionals
Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives
Unit 4
Present Perfect
Just, already, yet, never and ever
Present Perfect vs Simple Past

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


This tool is to be used as an extension of the classroom. Please feel free to share all your questions and concerns. Thank you.