This American Life

Class Rules

Hello and welcome back to school! I hope you all had a great break!

In my class, I expect you to come prepared to work, to pay attention in class, to do original work and speak English only. Please read the following class rules carefully and make sure you understand them before you sign. Check the blog every day. You are responsible for the information posted here. The homework will be posted there every day. I look forward to working with all of you this semester.

v    Tardiness is disruptive, so I expect you to arrive on time. For the 7 am class, you have   15-minutes of tolerance.  Class will start at 7:05. For all other classes, you have a 5-minute tolerance to get to class. No one comes in after 5 minutes. If you come in and the class has already started, come in quietly and don’t disrupt others. If you cause any disruptions, you will be asked to leave.

¨     Unexcused absences: You may not turn in the work we did in class for the day you were absent.  If I assign homework that day, it will be posted on the blog and you may turn it in the day it’s due.
¨     If you have an excused absence, you need to bring a copy of the official note. You have a week after your absence to bring it to class. You may turn in the work we did the days you were absent, including the homework you may have missed, but you only have 1 day after you come back to turn it in. It won’t be graded until you turn in your official excuse note. If you don’t turn in a note, the work won’t count towards your grade. No doctor’s notes or parent notes will be accepted to excuse an absence.
¨     In the semester, you may be absent 7 days maximum, to have the right to take the extraordinary exams.

Computer lab rules
§       Leave your backpacks up front. No food or drink in lab, EVER. 
§       No playing with the chairs, if you need to move STAND UP and WALK!!
§       Don’t play with the monitors or the headphones.
§       No chatting, playing videos, being on Facebook or surfing the Internet for any other purposes than the specified. No excuses.
§       Don’t use memory sticks, if you are caught using them, it will be confiscated and your parents will have to come get it.
§       Only wear headphones when instructed to do so.
§       If you are caught breaking the rules, disciplinary action will be taken.

Class work/ Homework
Ø    All your work should have a date on it, your full name and your group number.
Ø    If you are ever caught copying, all copied work will be invalidated. That includes the work of the person who copied and the work of the person who let their work be copied.
Ø    If you are given a writing assignment, you should write original sentences. If your work is copied and pasted from the Internet, you will get 0 points and will not be allowed to re-submit your work.
Ø    Don’t use Google “Traductor.” Translating is a very difficult thing to do. A machine can’t do it. You can use the dictionary provided in the blog to find words you don’t know, but don’t translate complete phrases. Work with what you know, try not to think in Spanish and then translate, you’re not prepared to do that.
When you’re asked to write a summary, you should:
  1. Read
  2. Understand
  3. Write original sentences with what you understand.

ü     No late work will be accepted. No excuses. The only people who have the right to turn in late work are those who have an official excuse note from the School Control Office.
ü     Your work has to have a name on it. I will discard any work that doesn’t have a name on it.
ü     Your work has to be legible, if I cannot read it, then you will get a 0, so please write neatly.

I have read and understood all the information above. By signing I agree to obey the class rules.


