This American Life

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

New Option Bookstore

Here's where you can still go to buy the books. The price is $420 for the Student's Book and the Workbook.
(Pasaje Iturbide)
Calle Gante 6
Local 1-3 y 5
Colonia Centro de la Ciudad de México

Tel: 55182498

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

dvolver animated movie maker

Hello boys and girls,
If you didn't finish your movie in class today, finish it for homework for tomorrow, Tuesday Sept. 20th.
The website is

Please remember to use the Past Continuous.
+ I was eating ice cream
-  I wasn't eating ice cream.
?  Were you eating ice cream?

Verb To Be in Past Simple

I     was
You/We/They     were
He/She/It     was

Thank you!! See you all tomorrow :)

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Invention Project

Hello Everyone!!

On Friday, September 2nd, we organized teams for our Invention Project. If you don't have a team, contact me and I'll put you into contact with someone in your group to work with. My e-mail is

Invention Project
1. Choose an invention to investigate its history and evolution
2. Write a 1-page, double-spaced report on your invention's evolution. PRINTED.
3. Make a time-line (big enough for the class to see) marking the evolution of the invention you chose. Use images, important dates, important information. Be creative!!
4. Speaking: use your time-line to explain your invention and its evolution to the class. Each person has to speak for 1 minute. Remember, no reading!! You get no points for reading.

This project has a total value of 7 points.
Printed Report: 2 points
Time-Line: 2 points
Speaking: 3 points

This is very important for your grade, so please prepare well and make an effort.
Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.