This American Life

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Project Classroom: Mental Map

Hello again :)
You are part of a planning committee to organize an ecologically friendly park. Organize your ideas using a mental map, which you'll make in class.
This is the information you have to include in your mental map. Images can help you illustrate your ideas.
The central idea is : Ecologically Friendly Park.
From this idea, derive the following points:
1.  5 ways to use recycled materials in your park
2.  5 ways to promote recycling in your park
3.   Community involvement
      3.1  What can the park do for the community?
      3.2  How can the community contribute to the park?
4.  Signs
     4.1  What 6 street signs will you use to keep your park safe?
     4.2  What 6 signs will you use to promote recycling and respect for the environment inside your park?
5. 3 ways in which green energy will be used in your park
6.  Vision:  define your committee's purpose in terms of its values. This will inspire people to contribute time and money to your park.

How you will be graded

a) Did you include all 6 points?
b) Organization of your ideas
c) Are your images pertinent and clear?
d) Teamwork: was the work divided equally and did all the members of the team contribute?
e) Innovative ideas
f) Presentation: is your poster professional and easy to read?

Bring all your information, images and material for tomorrow's class.

Project Classroom: Crossword Puzzle Help

Hello all,
You all had a difficult time solving your crossword puzzle. Here's a website which can help you.

All you do is type in your definition, click on "Find Word" and it will give you a list of possible words. Together with the vocabulary from this blog (Continued, Friday Nov. 18th), find the correct words. I hope this helps. This puzzle is due tomorrow.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011


After watching the video, complete the sentences with options a-m below.

1.   Traditional ways of constructing buildings and sites create __________.
2.   Trucks use __________ that create __________.
3.  Conventional manufacturing materials like __________ require __________ and         cause __________.
4.  Recycled materials reduce the need for ____________________.
5.  Wood and metal can be used to make __________.
6.  The steel can be used to make __________.
7.  The remaining wood can be converted into __________.
8.  The recycled glass could be turned into __________.
9.  Glass pebbles help with __________.
10.With sustainable reconstruction ____________________.

a)      park lights and bike racks.
b)      additional pollution.
c)      pollution and waste.
d)     recycled benches.
e)      everything old can be made new again.
f)       an aesthetic ground cover.
g)      fossil fuels.
h)      wood chips used as mulch.
i)        watering filtration.
j)        new materials to be made and transported to the new site.
k)      carbon dioxide emissions.
l)        concrete, steel and wood.
m)    toxic chemicals

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

  1. Do you think this system could be implemented in your city? Why or why not?

  1. Can you think of an abandoned site near where you live that could be  reconstructed using existing materials? What materials are available? How would you use them to build a park?

Friday Nov 28th: Lab Activity

Hello all,

Watch the video on youtube about building a park out of waste:

Copy the document above (Continued) onto your e-mail and aswer the questions as you watch the second time.
Watch the video again.
Answer the questions.
Print the document and bring it to class on Monday.
Don´t send me an e-mail.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Homework for Thursday, October 3rd, 2011

Hello All :)

I hope you're having a great time celebrating Day of the Dead.  For those people who weren't in class on Monday, here's the homework you have for tomorrow. Workbook pg 31 and 32: grammar 3 a, b and c. Also, don't forget to turn in your videos tomorrow. You'll get 1 point for correcting your scripts if you turn them in.
Remember to study for your verb test. From the Student's Book, on page 155, all tenses and Spanish: from get-run.

Thank you and see you tomorrow.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

Video and Script

Hello all :)

Please bring your script and your video on Monday. One script per team.
     Introduction to the program.
     Introduce the first inventor
 First inventor
     Past invention
     Present invention
     Future invention
Second inventor
     Past invention
     Present invention
     Future invention
Third inventor
     Past invention
     Present invention
     Future invention
Presenter: Conclusion

Use your formulas!! ]Write original sentences. If you copy/paste, your homework will have no value.
Write simple sentences. For example.

Presenter:  Hello everyone and welcome to our show today. We have a very exciting program. We have 3    innovative inventors with us today. Please welcome our first inventor, Dr. Garcia. She studied at Harvard, but she is a Mexican inventor.
Dr. Garcia, what did you invent two years ago?

Dr.: I invented a wonderful, resistant plastic to trap heat. You can cover your green houses. My invention is very cheap. Everyone can grow organic vegetables in their garden.

Presenter: That sounds wonderful! What do you have for us today?

Dr.: I'm here to show you my newest invention. It's a mini solar panel. It's so small  you can put in anywhere. You can collect and use the energy of the sun.

Presenter:  Wow! That sounds great. What will you invent in the future?

Dr.: In the future, I will invent a mini wind turbine. You can collect the energy of the wind and power your home during the winter. It's very small, so if you live in a small house or an aparment, you can have one.

Presenter: That sounds amazing! Thank you Dr.  Now, our next inventor...

Inventor 2
Inventor 3

Conclusion:  Thank you for being with us today. Hope you watch the program tomorrow. Thank you inventors!!

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Feist: A Pop Star with a Punk Rock Past Listening from NPR

Here's a link to the interview with Feist and a copy of the transcript


Feist: A Pop Star With A Punk-Rock Past
Introduction by the reporter (Short summary of what you’re going to include in your audio/video)
It's been four years since Leslie Feist released "1234," the career-making single that also became a testament to the power of a still-nascent YouTube. Feist, who performs under her last name, took some time off from performing after that surge in popularity. But she'll return next week with Metals, her first new album since 2007.
Insert Audio: Feist as a punk rocker
Feist may have made her name with sunny pop, but as she tells Morning Edition guest host David Greene, she got into music as a teenage punk rocker.

R: Where was your punk rocker kid shaped?
"I lived in Calgary at that point," she says, "and my world was super-limited. I was in choirs and stuff. But I was also starting to go to gigs that were happening at the community halls."
R: Is Mom worried hearing you screaming and punking out when you were a kid?
Feist fronted a Calgary punk band for several years, during which time she met Brendan Canning, her future band mate in the indie-rock collective Broken Social Scene. She released her first solo album, Monarch (Lay Your Jeweled Head Down), in 1999, and followed it with 2004's Let It Die — her major-label debut, which featured the song "Gatekeeper."
Insert Audio: Song “Gatekeeper”
R: “There’s a lot of romance in that album, but it was sad. It wasn’t romance that ended well.”
F: “When does it ever end well?” “I mean if it ends then it’s not ending well, it’s ending! And if it keeps going then it’s not about ending.”
" 'Gatekeeper' was sort of my first attempt to put a little bit of a frame, or boundaries, around song writing, and try to figure out a way to approach it that had an end result in mind," Feist says. "I haven't written many like that. 'Gatekeeper' was sort of like, 'I think I know what I want it to be about, so how do I go about writing about that?' "
R: “Can I ask you about Sesame Street?”
Insert Audio: Song “1-2-3-4”
It was Feist's fourth album, The Reminder, that birthed "1234" and its clever, colorful music video. The latter was featured in an iPod commercial and became a YouTube smash, and the song reached a younger audience when Feist performed it (with revised lyrics) on Sesame Street. Time magazine ranked it at No. 2 on its Top 10 songs of 2007. But what's funny, Feist says, is that her original vision for the song was more in line with her punk roots.
"When I first played '1234,' it was on stage in San Francisco, in some kind of sticky-floored club, and it felt like a punk song," she says. "I know it's ridiculous to say that now, but it had a kind of piercing straight melody, and then this fist-pumping ending. ... It just felt so simple in an absolutely non-patronizing way, and it's so funny that the song I approached with that sensibility became what it did, and turned everything on its head."
R: “Was there a downside to doing something that became really commercial?”
F: “It’s a double-edged sword”
R: “What was one day where you could describe to someone where you could really convince them this really got tough, you needed to escape for a while?”
F: “At the end of the day, ultimately I just got tired.”
Metals arrives in the U.S. on Tuesday. Feist says the title is about mutability.
"Metals can be found unforged and raw, and molten in the center of the earth," she says. "But they can also be highly refined and turned into little tiny jewelry."

Insert Audio: Song “Cicadas and Gulls”

Feist: A Pop Star with a Punk Rock Past

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

New Option Bookstore

Here's where you can still go to buy the books. The price is $420 for the Student's Book and the Workbook.
(Pasaje Iturbide)
Calle Gante 6
Local 1-3 y 5
Colonia Centro de la Ciudad de México

Tel: 55182498

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

dvolver animated movie maker

Hello boys and girls,
If you didn't finish your movie in class today, finish it for homework for tomorrow, Tuesday Sept. 20th.
The website is

Please remember to use the Past Continuous.
+ I was eating ice cream
-  I wasn't eating ice cream.
?  Were you eating ice cream?

Verb To Be in Past Simple

I     was
You/We/They     were
He/She/It     was

Thank you!! See you all tomorrow :)

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011

Invention Project

Hello Everyone!!

On Friday, September 2nd, we organized teams for our Invention Project. If you don't have a team, contact me and I'll put you into contact with someone in your group to work with. My e-mail is

Invention Project
1. Choose an invention to investigate its history and evolution
2. Write a 1-page, double-spaced report on your invention's evolution. PRINTED.
3. Make a time-line (big enough for the class to see) marking the evolution of the invention you chose. Use images, important dates, important information. Be creative!!
4. Speaking: use your time-line to explain your invention and its evolution to the class. Each person has to speak for 1 minute. Remember, no reading!! You get no points for reading.

This project has a total value of 7 points.
Printed Report: 2 points
Time-Line: 2 points
Speaking: 3 points

This is very important for your grade, so please prepare well and make an effort.
Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

3iM08: Homework from Computer Lab

The instructions for this activity are on the entry Computer Practice #2. Please read them carefully. Please send your assignment by tomorrow, Tuesday August 30th at 11:59 pm. No late work. The questions for the first part, to be answered in complete sentences , for all the videos are:

1. What is the invention?
2. Who invented it?
3. What is its function?
4. When was it invented?
5. Where was it invented?

Thank you all and please don't be late tomorrow.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Computer Lab Activity: #2

Hello all :)

Today, we're investigating inventions using some youtube videos. They're called: Stuff of Genius. Please watch the following three videos on inventions and answer the questions using complete sentences. Work in pairs. Do this assignment in an e-mail. Send it to me when you finish.  In the "asunto" box, type your Group and Last Names, First Names.  Send 1 e-mail per team. My e-mail address is

1.  How stuff works: potato chips
2.  How stuff works: sports drinks
3.  How stuff works: junk food   

In addition to the questions on the board, answer these 2 questions. Use complete sentences.
a) What is the "ripple effect"?
b) What is "the American Dream"?

3iM07: Verb test for tomorrow

Please don't forget your test tomorrow :) These are the verbs which are going to be on the test.
Simple Form                   Past Simple
1. be                                 was/were
2. become                         became
3. begin                             began
4. break                             broke
5. bring                              brought
6. build                              built
7. buy                                bought
8. can                                 could
9. catch                              caught
10. come                            came
11. cost                              cost
12. choose                          chose
13. cut                                cut

Librería "New Option"

This is a better place to buy your books. It is located on Pasaje de Iturbide, behind the Torre Latinoamericana. Remember, you need New English File: Pre-Intermediate (Student's Book AND Workbook). You can get a discount if you have your school identification. Starting on Monday, NO COPIES of the book! Thank you :)

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Lab Activity: Bookr (Groups 3iM07 and 3iM09)

Hello Everyone!
On Friday, we made a story book using images. You have to invent a story and narrate it using the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

Present Simple (I/You/We/They)
I eat potatoes.
I don't eat potatoes.
Do you eat potatoes?

Present Simple (He/She/It)
She eats potatoes
She doesn't eat potatoes.
Does she eat potatoes?

Present Continuous
I'm eating potatoes.                   You are eating potatoes.                     She is eating potatoes.
I'm not eating potatoes.              You aren't eating potatoes.                 She isn't eating potatoes.
Am I eating potatoes?                Are you eating potatoes?                   Is she eating potatoes?

Use at leaast (por lo menos) 3 sentences in Present Simple and 3 sentences in Present Continuous.
The website to make your story book is

When you finish making your book, "Publish it" then send it to me via e-mail

Send it to me by Monday at 11:59 pm. You have an extra day because I didn't tell you to publish it before sending it.
I'll see you tomorrow. Hope your weekend is going great :)

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Pages you need for the week of Aug 15-19

Hello all,

This week you need pages 8, 9 10, 11 and 146 from the Student's Book.
From the Teacher's Book, you need pages 141,142 and 220.

Please print them all and bring them to class tomorrow. Thank you!

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

3iM09: Homework for Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello Everyone :)
1. Do page 183 (Teacher's Book), part a) Student Profile. Only write the questions, NO answers.
2. Page 6, Vocabulary 1a: crossword puzzle.
3. Page 145, 1 a, b: Personality adjectives.
Thank you and see you tomorrow.

3iM08: Homework for Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello all :)
Please do page 145 Part 1 "Personality Adjectives." Thank you and see you tomorrow.

3iM07: Homework for Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bring all your copies from this blog.
We will work on page 140 (from the Teacher's Book)

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

All my classes: Bring all the scans on this blog in a folder.

Hello everyone!!
Please bring all the scans on this blog in a folder to class tomorrow Tuesday August 9th. Thank you and see you tomorrow.

3iM08: Computer Lab Homework

Hello you all :)

Today we wrote questions for an interview (entrevista). You have to choose a famous person that you want to interview.
a) Write 10 questions.
b) Investigate the answer to those questions and write a short composition that includes the answers. Write 1 or 2 paragraphs. Don't forget to write an introduction and a conclusion.
c) Send me an e-mail with your homework on Tuesday.

My e-mail address is

Thank you!!

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

All groups: Instructions for Monday August 8th.

  • Please bring all the copies I put on this blog until now.
  • Favor de traer todas las copias que les he pedido hasta ahora, que son todos las impresiones de los scans del blog.
  • Print these new scans from the book to work this week. Bring them to class on Monday Aug. 8th.
  • Traigan estas nuevas impresiones del libro para trabajar esta semana. Tengan todo listo el lunes 8 de Agosto.
  • Put all your copies in a folder to organize them.
  • Pongan todas sus impresiones en un folder, para tenerlas bien organzadas hasta que el libro esté disponible.

Group 3iM07

Please bring your stamped class work from Friday to class on Monday August 8th. Pages 139, 183.
Por favor traigan su trabajo sellado del viernes el lunes 8 de Agosto. Pg. 139, 183.

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Homework for Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello everyone!!

Your homework for tomorrow is to print pages 183 (English Profile) and 139 (Grammar Questions). These are from the Teacher's book. Don't complete it, we're going to do them in class. (La TAREA es IMPRIMIR los scans, pero NO la HAGAN, las haremos en clase) Thank you and see you tomorrow.

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Homework for Thursday August 4, 2011

Hi ya´ll :)

The homework for tomorrow is pg 127 1A (a, b). Here´s a scan of the exercise and some grammar help from the book. See you tomorrow!

martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Homework for Wednesday August 3rd:Class Rules and File Scans

Hello to all of you :)
Your homework for tomorrow is to bring your signed class rules to class. It has a value of 1 point, so don't forget it- easy point! Please go to "páginas" and print New English File scans pages 4, 5 and 144. Bring them to class tomorrow. Thank you!

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Simple Past

I went to the cinema yesterday.
S+verb in simple past+complement.

I didn´t go to the cinema yesterday.
S+didn´t (simple past Aux. in negative form) + verb in simple form + complement.

Did you go to the cinema yesterday?
Did (simple past Aux) + S + verb in simple form + complemement+?

To practice these three structures, go to the following page:

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011


Unit 1
Simple Past
Adverbs of Sequence
Intensifiers: quite, very, really
Regular and Irregular verbs in Simple Past
Unit 2
Past Continuous
Vocabulary relating to vacations, transportation, weather
Connectors and/but
Wh questions
Unit 3
"going to"
Simple Future
0 and 1st Conditionals
Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives
Unit 4
Present Perfect
Just, already, yet, never and ever
Present Perfect vs Simple Past

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


This tool is to be used as an extension of the classroom. Please feel free to share all your questions and concerns. Thank you.