This American Life

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Lab Activity: Bookr (Groups 3iM07 and 3iM09)

Hello Everyone!
On Friday, we made a story book using images. You have to invent a story and narrate it using the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

Present Simple (I/You/We/They)
I eat potatoes.
I don't eat potatoes.
Do you eat potatoes?

Present Simple (He/She/It)
She eats potatoes
She doesn't eat potatoes.
Does she eat potatoes?

Present Continuous
I'm eating potatoes.                   You are eating potatoes.                     She is eating potatoes.
I'm not eating potatoes.              You aren't eating potatoes.                 She isn't eating potatoes.
Am I eating potatoes?                Are you eating potatoes?                   Is she eating potatoes?

Use at leaast (por lo menos) 3 sentences in Present Simple and 3 sentences in Present Continuous.
The website to make your story book is

When you finish making your book, "Publish it" then send it to me via e-mail

Send it to me by Monday at 11:59 pm. You have an extra day because I didn't tell you to publish it before sending it.
I'll see you tomorrow. Hope your weekend is going great :)

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