This American Life

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

3iM08: Homework from Computer Lab

The instructions for this activity are on the entry Computer Practice #2. Please read them carefully. Please send your assignment by tomorrow, Tuesday August 30th at 11:59 pm. No late work. The questions for the first part, to be answered in complete sentences , for all the videos are:

1. What is the invention?
2. Who invented it?
3. What is its function?
4. When was it invented?
5. Where was it invented?

Thank you all and please don't be late tomorrow.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Computer Lab Activity: #2

Hello all :)

Today, we're investigating inventions using some youtube videos. They're called: Stuff of Genius. Please watch the following three videos on inventions and answer the questions using complete sentences. Work in pairs. Do this assignment in an e-mail. Send it to me when you finish.  In the "asunto" box, type your Group and Last Names, First Names.  Send 1 e-mail per team. My e-mail address is

1.  How stuff works: potato chips
2.  How stuff works: sports drinks
3.  How stuff works: junk food   

In addition to the questions on the board, answer these 2 questions. Use complete sentences.
a) What is the "ripple effect"?
b) What is "the American Dream"?

3iM07: Verb test for tomorrow

Please don't forget your test tomorrow :) These are the verbs which are going to be on the test.
Simple Form                   Past Simple
1. be                                 was/were
2. become                         became
3. begin                             began
4. break                             broke
5. bring                              brought
6. build                              built
7. buy                                bought
8. can                                 could
9. catch                              caught
10. come                            came
11. cost                              cost
12. choose                          chose
13. cut                                cut

Librería "New Option"

This is a better place to buy your books. It is located on Pasaje de Iturbide, behind the Torre Latinoamericana. Remember, you need New English File: Pre-Intermediate (Student's Book AND Workbook). You can get a discount if you have your school identification. Starting on Monday, NO COPIES of the book! Thank you :)

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Lab Activity: Bookr (Groups 3iM07 and 3iM09)

Hello Everyone!
On Friday, we made a story book using images. You have to invent a story and narrate it using the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

Present Simple (I/You/We/They)
I eat potatoes.
I don't eat potatoes.
Do you eat potatoes?

Present Simple (He/She/It)
She eats potatoes
She doesn't eat potatoes.
Does she eat potatoes?

Present Continuous
I'm eating potatoes.                   You are eating potatoes.                     She is eating potatoes.
I'm not eating potatoes.              You aren't eating potatoes.                 She isn't eating potatoes.
Am I eating potatoes?                Are you eating potatoes?                   Is she eating potatoes?

Use at leaast (por lo menos) 3 sentences in Present Simple and 3 sentences in Present Continuous.
The website to make your story book is

When you finish making your book, "Publish it" then send it to me via e-mail

Send it to me by Monday at 11:59 pm. You have an extra day because I didn't tell you to publish it before sending it.
I'll see you tomorrow. Hope your weekend is going great :)

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Pages you need for the week of Aug 15-19

Hello all,

This week you need pages 8, 9 10, 11 and 146 from the Student's Book.
From the Teacher's Book, you need pages 141,142 and 220.

Please print them all and bring them to class tomorrow. Thank you!

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

3iM09: Homework for Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello Everyone :)
1. Do page 183 (Teacher's Book), part a) Student Profile. Only write the questions, NO answers.
2. Page 6, Vocabulary 1a: crossword puzzle.
3. Page 145, 1 a, b: Personality adjectives.
Thank you and see you tomorrow.

3iM08: Homework for Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hello all :)
Please do page 145 Part 1 "Personality Adjectives." Thank you and see you tomorrow.

3iM07: Homework for Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bring all your copies from this blog.
We will work on page 140 (from the Teacher's Book)

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

All my classes: Bring all the scans on this blog in a folder.

Hello everyone!!
Please bring all the scans on this blog in a folder to class tomorrow Tuesday August 9th. Thank you and see you tomorrow.

3iM08: Computer Lab Homework

Hello you all :)

Today we wrote questions for an interview (entrevista). You have to choose a famous person that you want to interview.
a) Write 10 questions.
b) Investigate the answer to those questions and write a short composition that includes the answers. Write 1 or 2 paragraphs. Don't forget to write an introduction and a conclusion.
c) Send me an e-mail with your homework on Tuesday.

My e-mail address is

Thank you!!

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

All groups: Instructions for Monday August 8th.

  • Please bring all the copies I put on this blog until now.
  • Favor de traer todas las copias que les he pedido hasta ahora, que son todos las impresiones de los scans del blog.
  • Print these new scans from the book to work this week. Bring them to class on Monday Aug. 8th.
  • Traigan estas nuevas impresiones del libro para trabajar esta semana. Tengan todo listo el lunes 8 de Agosto.
  • Put all your copies in a folder to organize them.
  • Pongan todas sus impresiones en un folder, para tenerlas bien organzadas hasta que el libro esté disponible.

Group 3iM07

Please bring your stamped class work from Friday to class on Monday August 8th. Pages 139, 183.
Por favor traigan su trabajo sellado del viernes el lunes 8 de Agosto. Pg. 139, 183.

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Homework for Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello everyone!!

Your homework for tomorrow is to print pages 183 (English Profile) and 139 (Grammar Questions). These are from the Teacher's book. Don't complete it, we're going to do them in class. (La TAREA es IMPRIMIR los scans, pero NO la HAGAN, las haremos en clase) Thank you and see you tomorrow.

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Homework for Thursday August 4, 2011

Hi ya´ll :)

The homework for tomorrow is pg 127 1A (a, b). Here´s a scan of the exercise and some grammar help from the book. See you tomorrow!

martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Homework for Wednesday August 3rd:Class Rules and File Scans

Hello to all of you :)
Your homework for tomorrow is to bring your signed class rules to class. It has a value of 1 point, so don't forget it- easy point! Please go to "páginas" and print New English File scans pages 4, 5 and 144. Bring them to class tomorrow. Thank you!